Saturday, July 30, 2016


Now you’ve left us,
without a word.
All that remains is your melody.

Tears fall like rain,
Aching hearts remember,
The sweet memories left behind.

Here’s hoping,
You’ll fly high,
In that endless sky.

Watch as your songs
Are sung by hopeful souls.
Holding strong to your gentle light.

Never forgetting
Your silent strength,

Inspiring us to go forward.

Gone Forever . . .

We stood
Watching the flames
Consume the life
We once knew and cherished.

Screams rang out
In the darkness
Our friends and family
Gone Forever . . .

Soon it was quiet,
The only reminder,
Was the smoke
In the distance.

We had no time to grieve.

We suppressed our tears,
For we had to keep moving foreword.

And we wondered how we would build
A new life from the ashes