Friday, July 26, 2013

Sword of Souls world map

My poorly drawn map of Noirae =D

The Land of Light

There is a place surrounded by light,
Where the days are full of happiness and peace,
The energy dancing all around in constant motion,
The birds singing in harmony in the forest of light and hope.

A light shines upon the land,
Bringing hope to those who are lost,
Lighting a dream for them,
Hope can never fade as long as there is a dream to follow.
The Land of Light welcomes all.

Flowers dancing to the melody of the forest,
Rivers running endlessly, pleading for the song to sing forever,
If anyone could see this place, would they call it an illusion?

A bird takes wing into the sky,
It is searching for a place where its dream awaits.
As it flies, it gently sings comforting songs to those who are lost and lonely.

A light shines upon the land,
Bringing hope to those who are lost,
Lighting a dream for them,
Hope can never fade as long as there is a dream to follow.
The Land of Light welcomes all.

A traveler stared into the hopeful eyes of the animals.
In the eyes of another, they can see the land of light.
They’ll always return to that place.

A light shines upon the land,
Bringing hope to those who are lost,
Lighting a dream for them,
Hope can never fade as long as there is a dream to follow.
The Land of Light welcomes all.

A traveler stares into the hopeful eyes of the animals.
In the eyes of another, they can see the land of light.
They’ll always return to that place.
The Land of Light welcomes all.