Saturday, November 30, 2013

Navi's Dream

(Navi’s Dream)

“I must hurry.”  Aouroa muttered, writing something down hastily.  There was a sudden rustle, echoing in the forest.

Aouroa sighed in relief, tearing the page she was writing on out of the book.  She crumbled the page up into a ball and closed her left hand over it tightly.  She stood up from her position on the tree stump as if she was waiting for something.

Suddenly, a figure, cloaked in black, emerged from the underbrush.  There was a hood over the person’s face, so she couldn’t really tell what they looked like.

“I take it you are Aouroa?” said a gruff, male voice.

“How do you know my name, when I have not told you?”

“I have many spies who tell me many things.”  He replied.

“I take it those are the demon crows who have been following me around as of late.”  Aouroa said.

“That fool made a mistake attacking Hearta, when the sword was in Flaragone this whole time! But tell me, what good is a sword that does not kill?”

“A sword that does not kill is the mightiest of all weapons because it knows who it is and what is right.”  Aouroa said unflinching.

“You act as though the Sword of Souls has a mind of its own.  When it is merely a sword.”

“Why do you continue this senseless war the King of Ethos started if the Sword of Souls has no value to you now?”  She asked suddenly.

“I want to destroy the sword, so I cannot lose what I have gained.”  He said, seething.

“Why are you telling me all this?”

“Because Aouroa, I have come to kill you.”  The man said drawing his lance.

“Kill me if you must, but the truth will not be lost!”

“You are very brave for a human woman!”  He said lunging toward her, stabbing her in her right shoulder.  She winced in pain and stumbled backwards.  Blood ran freely down her arm, but her left hand still clutched the page tightly, refusing to let go.

“Tell me Aouroa, what hope does Hearta have now?  The Royal family is completely destroyed.  So tell me, what will the people of Hearta do now?”  He mocked her, stabbing her again with his lance.

Aouroa gasped in pain, panting heavily, clinging to life the best she could, putting all her strength into keeping her left hand closed.  The man suddenly grabbed her book off the ground.  He opened and tore some of the pages out and set them on fire!  Aouroa stared wide-eyed as she watched him set the book on fire next.  He threw the book to the ground.

The man raised his lance.  “Let me tell you something before I kill you Aouroa.”  He said mockingly.  “ I was the one who killed my father, the King of Ethos.”

Aouroa stared wide-eyed. “Y-you are…” At that moment, the man stabbed her in the heart with his lance, cutting her off.  Rain suddenly fell from the sky, putting out the fire that he meant to consume the book.

“It seems as though I can’t destroy this accursed book after all.”  He muttered, disappearing into the shadows.  As a voice called out Aouroa’s name frantically. 

(Dream end…)

Melody, Aouroa Yuki

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A page of Aouroa's journal

“The King of Ethos, his soldiers have slaughtered many of the people in our little village, and yet I do not hate them. I have tried to understand every night why I don’t hate them. Perhaps my heart tells me that hating is something that people shouldn’t do, that they should learn to forgive. But during war, when your loved ones are killed it is hard to forgive the people who took them away from you. Yet I do not hate the people who took mother away. I want to know why this war has started between Hearta and Ethos. What is the purpose? The one thing I am certain of is that the truth is the most important thing in my life now.”

Luna's Lament (Old) (No longer exists in the book actually…)

Sadness consumes me, to the very essences of my soul,
Pleading for deaths open arms.
But I know it will never come,
For I am one who can never truly die.
I could not help but wonder if anyone would miss someone such as me,
For I am nobody that is very important anymore.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

“The Sword of Souls bears no ill; it is a pure blade that cleanses souls in the hand of a silver moon.  No red moon could ever hope to tame such a power.  The Sword refuses to listen to unjust desires,

Interview with Ike Rain

Currently, Ike, his brother, Luke, and Mya, a friend live in a small cabin.  The grassy meadow which surrounds the cabin is bordered by Lye Forest.  The bark of the trees is a creamy brown, like chocolate and vanilla ice cream mixed together.  The leaves are a light shade of emerald and in the spring, pale translucent blue flowers bloom, giving the forest a mystical appearance.  Ike was standing outside in a sea of fog as I arrived in the early morning; he was wearing all black and had his hood up over his head.  My first impression was that he was a very temperamental young man with much on his mind that he really did not want to share.  The interview merely scratched the surface. I felt like he was holding back, as he would frequently pause and glare at me like I was trying to read some hidden secret.
 “I moved here with my little brother and Mya after our village was attacked by Ethos’ soldiers. There are no neighbors within twenty miles of this cabin.  We came here for safety, but travel to Sunville for supplies.  The people there are friendly enough.  Mr. Gilliam gives me orders for weapons and Mya makes them for the rebels.  Ethos’ soldiers raid many of our villages.  Sunville has been overlooked, due to the poverty of the people who live here.  I’m trying to help the Hearta rebels regain their land and pride.  We are not very organized, but recruit regularly from the bandits who roam the land.”
Steely eyes examined me for any sign of weakness; he sighed audibly, and then asked, “Why have you come?”

“The three of you hide yourselves away from the world out here, and yet you claim the cause is what you live for, or so Gilliam says,” I replied, bending to get a glimpse of his shadowed face.  “Are you as cold and calculating as they think, or is this just a mask you wear to fool those who do not know the truth?”  I cautiously continued.

“What do you know of truth?”  Ike spat back, tearing the hood from his face.  His ruffled blond hair caught the rays of sunshine and lit like fire.   The black eyes seemed to come to life, as his face turned red with anger.

“I know what you told me the other day was true, well partly.  Gilliam may be a good soldier, but he is no mastermind.  The rebels are more orderly than first impressions dictate Ike,” I replied.  I could feel his fury growing, yet pressed on.  “You have such a mind, and I really want to help.”

“Walk with me,” he huffed, curling his lips in a smirk. 

We entered the forest with its emerald leaves smiling down, pale translucent blue flowers hung from the branches, giving the forest a mystical appearance, but even this beauty could not quell the flood of anxiety I felt growing in my gut.  Ike no longer spoke and the eerie silence chilled my heart.  The trees became less close and I could sense the ending of the woods.  The path ran out to a scene of destruction, rubble was spilled out in all directions, making us step over the remains of buildings, which had crumbled to dust during the long years.  His pace never slowed though, he walked this path as if he could do it blindfolded, while I struggled to keep up. 

“There,” Ike pointed. 

I looked inquisitively at the decaying castle, coming into view.  His pace slowed now, as if a heavy burden was upon his young shoulders.

Ike climbed the cold stone steps, broken and lonely, and then turned toward me once more.  The black eyes looked out at me from a different vantage point now, and without a word, I understood all that he could not openly proclaim.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Melody and Leon Meet

Leon sighed in relief as he entered the forest; he stopped for a moment taking in the serene sights. He smiled slightly hearing little tweets echoing all around him. He watched them fly branch to branch, there were large diamond shaped lime leaved trees towering all around him. His eyes landed on something rather strange. “Is that a house up there?” he asked himself bewildered. He raised a brow as he was unable to locate what he originally saw ( or at least thought he did).

Leon shrugged his shoulders, deciding that his mind must have been playing tricks on him. He let out another sigh as he took another step.

The forest was pleasant, and calm, much more relaxing then Ethos. Leon shivered slightly as he remembered his trip through the capital. That place was messed up in his opinion. The people there were arrogant, and flat out disturbing not to mention the designs on the fountains; wolves chasing doves…how mature. He wondered for a moment what their leader was like. “Probably a messed full of himself king…” he mused .

Leon stopped in place listening intensely to the sounds of the forest, a rustling sound boomed from the trees. The red haired mercenary put a hand on the hilt of his sword, his expression hardened, as he glared in the direction.

Out of the rustling leaves a squirrel slowly emerged. It stared at Leon tilting its head from side to side, before running across the branch, and hopping onto another, and disappearing up high.

“That was far too loud to be just a squirrel…” he thought gazing at the leaves once more. After waiting several moments, and hearing nothing Leon took a deep breath shaking his head. “This place is weird…I feel like there’s someone watching me…” he muttered to himself as he proceeded onwards.

Leon was now walking into a well-kept area, there were pink, and white impatiens lined up in a row in one section. Orange, and yellow marigolds in another. Red, and purple morning glories in another.

“Someone definably lives here,” he concluded, scanning the area further.

He spotted a little hut up in the trees, the roof the same color as the leaves, and the interior blending in as well. He raised a brow as he noticed the blinds move aside slightly, light purple eyes peered down at him curiously, before widening, and vanishing.

“You don’t have to be afraid of me…I won’t hurt you,” Leon reassured.

This time a head peeked out from the door, revealing a young girl with long curly light red hair. Her face filled with an uneasy air. “…Hello…” she greeted timidly. “Are…you…” she stared at him for a moment before saying. “Never mind,”

Leon blinked as the door opened wider, and a rope ladder gently flying towards him. The girl ushered for him to come up.

Leon shrugged his shoulders, before grabbing a hold of the ladder.

The girl suddenly attacked him with a hug. “ I’m Melody, and you are?”

He blushed. “L-Leon?” he answered dumbfounded by the hug. He pulled away, and noticed that the girl was about 3 feet in height

“Nice to meet you Leon! Would you like some tea?”

“Uh…sure…” Leon replied, befuddled as he took a seat in the nearest chair. He scanned the small room. There wasn’t much stuff in it he noted, just a cot, kettle, two chairs, and a small table with books stacked on it. “Are…you the only one who lives here?” he asked curiously. “Or are there others here?”

“No I am the only one…” Melody answered with a hint of sadness in her voice. She turned towards him with the teakettle in her hands. She poured him a cup, and handed him it. She sat down in the chair across from him with a wide cheery grin. “So what brings you here Leon?” she asked brightly.

Leon shrugged. “Just wanted some peace, and quiet,” he said simply taking a sip of tea. He eyed the books in the comer.

“Oh those are spell books, I was studying how to use a teleporting spell,” Melody answered.

Leon raised a brow.

Melody giggled. “I wanted to bring a friend of mine here. I have something I want to give him,”

Leon blinked confusion showing itself visibly on his face.

“I get lonely here. All the others are gone, many years ago, this forest was filled with the sound of laughter and my people lived in harmony with our neighboring communities.”

“What happened to them?” Leon asked.

“I’m an elf, all the others have been taken or killed by Carino. So many years have passed and I’ve not had contact from the Dragon who saved me.  But Ethos soldiers can be seen wandering through my forest, I know that the evil one is looking for me.  I move from house to house sometimes staying deep within the woods, other times at the edge of the forest.  My gardens need tending so every day I walk to care for them.” Melody explained. “Elf houses are made to blend in with the trees. They are made from discarded branches that the trees no longer need.  We care for everything in the forest. The animals keep me company.” She added, as a pink kitala hopped on her shoulder humming softly. The animal had the body of a squirrel, the tail much longer at least 5 feet long, razor sharp claws like a cat, and ears like one too, and the snout like a tigers. It opened its mouth slightly showing long fangs like a wolf.

“When I first saw you I thought you were a dragon.”

“Did you?” Leon said slightly amused, still gazing at the kitala.

“Yes humans are rather unbalanced when they walk…or at least the people of Ethos tend to be, and they spook easily too.” She mused. 

Sometimes I light a fire and they clumsily come into the woods in search of me, but I move quickly from place to place, using the leaves and animals to hide from them.  Tomorrow I will take you to see the elves meeting place, perhaps you would care to lie beneath the trees and take in the energy of the crystals which surround the hidden glade.  If you are searching for peace, that is the place to be.”  Melody continued.

Let me take you to a house where you can spend the night, you look tired.”

Lost Little Soul

“Oh, lost little soul, how long have you traveled in darkness?
Is loneliness all you have ever known?
Won’t you take my hand and let the light embrace your weary spirit?
There is no need to fear, you’ll return someday.
The road before you is clear.
Let it guide you to your next life.

Oh, lost little soul, won’t you turn away from your loneliness?
Won’t you take my hand and let the light embrace your weary spirit?
You have wandered for so long…
What were you seeking?
Did you lose sight of it in darkness?
Won’t you take my hand and put your wandering to rest?
There is no need to fear, you’ll return someday.
The road before you is clear.
Won’t you take my hand and let it guide you to your next life?”

Friday, July 26, 2013

Sword of Souls world map

My poorly drawn map of Noirae =D

The Land of Light

There is a place surrounded by light,
Where the days are full of happiness and peace,
The energy dancing all around in constant motion,
The birds singing in harmony in the forest of light and hope.

A light shines upon the land,
Bringing hope to those who are lost,
Lighting a dream for them,
Hope can never fade as long as there is a dream to follow.
The Land of Light welcomes all.

Flowers dancing to the melody of the forest,
Rivers running endlessly, pleading for the song to sing forever,
If anyone could see this place, would they call it an illusion?

A bird takes wing into the sky,
It is searching for a place where its dream awaits.
As it flies, it gently sings comforting songs to those who are lost and lonely.

A light shines upon the land,
Bringing hope to those who are lost,
Lighting a dream for them,
Hope can never fade as long as there is a dream to follow.
The Land of Light welcomes all.

A traveler stared into the hopeful eyes of the animals.
In the eyes of another, they can see the land of light.
They’ll always return to that place.

A light shines upon the land,
Bringing hope to those who are lost,
Lighting a dream for them,
Hope can never fade as long as there is a dream to follow.
The Land of Light welcomes all.

A traveler stares into the hopeful eyes of the animals.
In the eyes of another, they can see the land of light.
They’ll always return to that place.
The Land of Light welcomes all.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Those Colors

“Why does the sunset so unique each time?
The colors combined in dazzling ways.
Yet why so unique?
Are they painted in the sky by some unknown force?
As it disappears in the sky, I am left wondering why.
The moon comes out and takes its place as the sky grows dark.
Replacing the sun’s beauty.
But all things beautiful must end someday.
Starting anew another day.
As the night goes on, I find myself wishing to see those colors.
As dawn approaches, I feel a thrill pass through me,
Knowing I will see a new painting in the morning sky.”

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Sword of Souls

In a temple in Flaragone there lies a sword.
Protected by a door of light,
Waiting to fulfill its duty.
A kind soul can wield it,
But only with permission from the wise ones.
The Sword of Souls will rise again