Saturday, July 30, 2016


Now you’ve left us,
without a word.
All that remains is your melody.

Tears fall like rain,
Aching hearts remember,
The sweet memories left behind.

Here’s hoping,
You’ll fly high,
In that endless sky.

Watch as your songs
Are sung by hopeful souls.
Holding strong to your gentle light.

Never forgetting
Your silent strength,

Inspiring us to go forward.

Gone Forever . . .

We stood
Watching the flames
Consume the life
We once knew and cherished.

Screams rang out
In the darkness
Our friends and family
Gone Forever . . .

Soon it was quiet,
The only reminder,
Was the smoke
In the distance.

We had no time to grieve.

We suppressed our tears,
For we had to keep moving foreword.

And we wondered how we would build
A new life from the ashes

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Navi's Dream

(Navi’s Dream)

“I must hurry.”  Aouroa muttered, writing something down hastily.  There was a sudden rustle, echoing in the forest.

Aouroa sighed in relief, tearing the page she was writing on out of the book.  She crumbled the page up into a ball and closed her left hand over it tightly.  She stood up from her position on the tree stump as if she was waiting for something.

Suddenly, a figure, cloaked in black, emerged from the underbrush.  There was a hood over the person’s face, so she couldn’t really tell what they looked like.

“I take it you are Aouroa?” said a gruff, male voice.

“How do you know my name, when I have not told you?”

“I have many spies who tell me many things.”  He replied.

“I take it those are the demon crows who have been following me around as of late.”  Aouroa said.

“That fool made a mistake attacking Hearta, when the sword was in Flaragone this whole time! But tell me, what good is a sword that does not kill?”

“A sword that does not kill is the mightiest of all weapons because it knows who it is and what is right.”  Aouroa said unflinching.

“You act as though the Sword of Souls has a mind of its own.  When it is merely a sword.”

“Why do you continue this senseless war the King of Ethos started if the Sword of Souls has no value to you now?”  She asked suddenly.

“I want to destroy the sword, so I cannot lose what I have gained.”  He said, seething.

“Why are you telling me all this?”

“Because Aouroa, I have come to kill you.”  The man said drawing his lance.

“Kill me if you must, but the truth will not be lost!”

“You are very brave for a human woman!”  He said lunging toward her, stabbing her in her right shoulder.  She winced in pain and stumbled backwards.  Blood ran freely down her arm, but her left hand still clutched the page tightly, refusing to let go.

“Tell me Aouroa, what hope does Hearta have now?  The Royal family is completely destroyed.  So tell me, what will the people of Hearta do now?”  He mocked her, stabbing her again with his lance.

Aouroa gasped in pain, panting heavily, clinging to life the best she could, putting all her strength into keeping her left hand closed.  The man suddenly grabbed her book off the ground.  He opened and tore some of the pages out and set them on fire!  Aouroa stared wide-eyed as she watched him set the book on fire next.  He threw the book to the ground.

The man raised his lance.  “Let me tell you something before I kill you Aouroa.”  He said mockingly.  “ I was the one who killed my father, the King of Ethos.”

Aouroa stared wide-eyed. “Y-you are…” At that moment, the man stabbed her in the heart with his lance, cutting her off.  Rain suddenly fell from the sky, putting out the fire that he meant to consume the book.

“It seems as though I can’t destroy this accursed book after all.”  He muttered, disappearing into the shadows.  As a voice called out Aouroa’s name frantically. 

(Dream end…)

Melody, Aouroa Yuki

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A page of Aouroa's journal

“The King of Ethos, his soldiers have slaughtered many of the people in our little village, and yet I do not hate them. I have tried to understand every night why I don’t hate them. Perhaps my heart tells me that hating is something that people shouldn’t do, that they should learn to forgive. But during war, when your loved ones are killed it is hard to forgive the people who took them away from you. Yet I do not hate the people who took mother away. I want to know why this war has started between Hearta and Ethos. What is the purpose? The one thing I am certain of is that the truth is the most important thing in my life now.”